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Shop for artwork based on subjects. Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Artwork by Gina Fitzhugh
Each image may be purchased as a canvas print, framed print, metal print, and more! Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Bulan Kirana Zara by Gina Fitzhugh

Curious Cub by Gina Fitzhugh

Immature Bald Eagle by Gina Fitzhugh

Black Bear Siesta by Gina Fitzhugh

Two For One Special by Gina Fitzhugh

Juvenile Great Horned Owl by Gina Fitzhugh

Greater Scaup by Gina Fitzhugh

Great Horned Owl Chick by Gina Fitzhugh

Balancing In The Wind by Gina Fitzhugh

Nobody Cares by Gina Fitzhugh

Glancing Back by Gina Fitzhugh

Finch On Redbud by Gina Fitzhugh

Eagle Bath by Gina Fitzhugh

Eagle Flight by Gina Fitzhugh

Dinner for Two by Gina Fitzhugh

Elf House by Gina Fitzhugh

Simple by Gina Fitzhugh

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Art Print by Gina Fitzhugh

Fall Fritillary by Gina Fitzhugh

Integrity by Gina Fitzhugh

Willet Walk by Gina Fitzhugh

St Marks Lighthouse by Gina Fitzhugh

Female Boat-Tailed Grackle by Gina Fitzhugh

Eagles At Sundown by Gina Fitzhugh
Displaying: 1 - 24 of 633
About Gina Fitzhugh
I love the outdoors and just watching nature and its interactions. One of my favorite things to photograph is wildlife. My goal is to capture a cute behavior, an endearing moment, an interesting facial expression or wildlife in action. A very close second is beautiful scenery. When I was young, I remember looking at a painted scene on my grandmothers wall and daydreaming that I was in that place. So, I naturally look for scenes that encourage one to pause for a moment, relax and breathe. It could be something very simple, a 'stop and smell the roses' moment that most people would overlook on an average day. My desire is for my photographs to evoke a feeling of calm, provide a distraction from stress, dream and maybe even laugh. I trust you find something that speaks to you. I hope that you will enjoy the photographs and if needed, find respite from difficult times.
I started photography because I wanted to identify the many birds that visited my backyard. I was not looking for that perfect picture, just something for identification and documentation. Then I submitted a photograph to a magazine and it was published. At that point, I got excited. I started learning how to use a digital camera and get a unique shot. Then I was approached by someone to enter an art show. I hardly thought that what I hung on my wall was worthy, but was nonetheless convinced to participate in a booth at the Octoberfest celebration in Nashville, TN in 2015. From there I started participating in several local art shows, contests and more magazine submissions. The more feedback I got, the more excited and determined I became to learn not only photography, but editing.
Then in early 2017, life it and it hit hard in multiple ways. I did not pick up my camera or look at my website for three years. Now, I have found the joy and excitement again. My photography has helped me heal. I have started adding some inspirational messages. I think we all need healing, or at least a boost of inspiration from time to time. Thank you for visiting my site.
All photographs are protected by copyright law and as such may not be reproduced without permission.