Fresh Catch #1

by Gina Fitzhugh
Fresh Catch #1
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
This photo was taken in St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge. "The St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1931 to provide winter habitat for migratory birds, and is one of the oldest refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System. It encompasses about 83,000+ acres in Wakulla, Jefferson and Taylor counties, and includes about 43 miles of north Florida’s Gulf coast. Congress has designated 17,350 acres of the Refuge a National Wilderness Area."
There were a pair of bald eagles sitting in a tree that I understood used to hold their nest. Unfortunately, a controlled burn in the area got to the tree. The eagles rebuilt the nest only to have it taken over by great horned owls. After that they built another nest not too far away and the owls took over that nest. Now they are back to sitting in the previously burnt tree. It doesn't look very stable. I hope they choose another location.
After sitting for quite a while, one eagle left. He return about thirty minutes later with this catfish. He or she ate the entire fish while the partner watched.
Honored With the Following Group Features:
Women Photographers
Amazing Butterflies, Birds and Small Insects
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Photography All Subjects
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Go Take a Hike Photography Group
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ART - It is Good For You
October 20th, 2023
Comments (15)

Barbie Corbett-Newmin
Congratulations, your wonderful photography is featured on the home page of The 200 Club, a rising star photography group featuring the best photos with over 200 views up to 500 views. Featured images are changed often. To remain visible to potential buyers who visit this unique group, please post your featured images in the Feature Archives and other appropriate threads. Thanks for your participation in the club and for sharing your unique perspective!

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Gina – your eagle scene has been featured by the Go Take a Hike Photography Group! Feel free to add it to the 2024 Featured Images thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Brian Morefield - Prose Imagery
Wow! Great capture of the eagle and its catch, Gina! (On the a quick thumbnail glance, I thought it was snowboarding). An amazing photo!

Dawn Currie
Congratulations! You are one of Dawn’s Delightful Dozen for October 29, 2023!! This fine image has that "something special" that makes it an extraordinary image among the many artworks submitted to Wild Birds of the World - A Nature Photography Group.

Dylyce Clarke
Congratulations, your picture has been FEATURED on the home page in the group WONDER OF WINGS on October 25, 2023. You are invited to add this featured image to the group discussion page "FEATURES ARCHIVE SEPT-DEC 2023.”

Dawn Currie
Congratulations! This fine image of an identified wild bird is among the features for 10/21/2023! Thank you for sharing with the Wild Birds of the World - A Nature Photography Group. Please take a moment to add it to the October 2023 Features discussion for additional visibility.

Nancy Carol Photography
WELL DONE!! Thank you for sharing with us your wonderful work of art that has been proudly presented on the Home Page of the group, 'ART FOR PASSION - PASSION FOR ART'. If you wish, you may archive it permanently or promote it further in the Discussions Tabs titled, "OCTOBER 2023 Features."