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Mom Keeps Me Safe Photograph by Gina Fitzhugh

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Comments (14)

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular Mom Keeps Me Safe composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L voted

Lori Frisch

Lori Frisch

How very precious!!

Dennis Baswell

Dennis Baswell

terrific capture great wildlife nature photo Gina, nice port folio. L/F

Rebecca Grzenda

Rebecca Grzenda

Do people realize how difficult it is in photography to capture moments like this? This image is outstanding and beautifully photographed!! l/f

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

I think only photographers realize the days you travel or the hours your wait to capture a special moment. Thank you for the comment.

Larry Kniskern

Larry Kniskern

Congratulations, Gina – your animal in a tree has been featured by the Go Take a Hike Photography Group! Feel free to add it to the 2023 Featured Images thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Thank you, Larry

Lieve Snellings

Lieve Snellings

What a fantastic moment you captured, this is TOP

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Appreciate the comment, Lieve

Dennis Baswell

Dennis Baswell

cute image great timing Gina

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Thank you, Dennis

Mark Stephens

Mark Stephens

Wonderful Shot!! Mothers Love!?!?

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Thank you, Mark

Debbie Blackman

Debbie Blackman

So cute. He doesn't appear to appreciate Mom's dedication to safety.

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Typical child :) Thank you, Debbie

Robert Nagy

Robert Nagy

The best racoon image I've ever seen, such detail and so beautifully captured.

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Wow! What a compliment. Thank you, Robert

Judy Vincent

Judy Vincent


Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Thank you, Judy

Ava Reaves

Ava Reaves


Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Thanks, Ava

Windy Craig

Windy Craig

Aww! This is the cutest!

Gina Fitzhugh replied:

Thank you, Windy

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Mom Keeps Me Safe by Gina Fitzhugh
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