
by Gina Fitzhugh
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
He is probably not the cutest guy you've seen in your yard, but probably one of the most useful. It's estimated that one opossum can kill 5000 ticks in a season. This is especially helpful in preventing the spread of Lyme disease. We had one in our yard for a while that we named Fred. Fred had a very crooked tail. He had obviously got it caught in something at some point, but this did not slow Fred down. We enjoyed him for a couple of weeks before he moved on.
A baby opossum is about the size of a honey bee! If they do play "possum", they can stay that way for four hours..
January 26th, 2016
Comments (4)

Alinna Lee
We used to have one coming to eat our cat’s food at night and it was missing a tail. We called it stubby. Our cat left it alone probably because it’s was too big for her to eat, lol.
Gina Fitzhugh replied:
We had an outdoor cat years ago. We kept the food in a small kitchen trash can in the garage. One day I went to get the cat food and jumped back as one of his friends was sitting in the food, in the trash can :)