
by Gina Fitzhugh
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
This poinsettia was actually planted in the ground in Florida. It caught my eye with it's vibrant color and perfect bloom. This would make a beautiful holiday card.
Selected For Special Feature and "Up Close and Personnel' in A Woman's Touch"
3rd Place in Holiday Red Flowers Contest
Honored With the Following Features:
A Woman's Touch
Your Best Work
Global Flowers Photography
Fine Art America Professionals
Macro Marvels
Flower Power
Showcasing the South
Created by Southern Artists
Pixels Promotion
ART - It is Good For You
Your Story of Art
The Art Workshop
Intent of the Artist
Greatest of All Time
USA Photographers
If The Image Excites You
The Top 50 Features
10 Plus
Hodge Podge
Lady Photographers and Artists
Your Very Best Photography
Just Perfect
Five Star Artist
One A Day Waiting Room Art
Just Perfect
January 8th, 2021
Comments (46)

Mikes Nature
Nice closeup and capture Gina! - no wonder - and congratulations on your inclusion in all your recent features! :)

Gary F Richards
Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, stunning rich color and artwork! F/L voted

Anita Pollak
Congratulations on your selection as "Up Close and Personal" artist in A Woman's Touch! This is gorgeous!

Kay Brewer
Gina, congratulations on your selection as Up Close & Personal artist in a Woman's Touch group! l/f

Marilyn DeBlock
Beautiful image / capture! Congrats on your Up Close and Personal feature in A Woman's Touch.

Ola Allen
Gina, beautiful work!!! Congratulations on your selection as "Up Close and Personal Artist of the Week" in the A Woman's Touch Group! F/L

Elvira Peretsman
Beautiful! Congratulations on your selection as Up Close and Personal Artist of the Week in the A Woman's Touch Group!

Sharon W
Beautiful poinsettia! Awesome congratulations on your special Up Close & Personal feature in a Woman's Touch group!! Fantastic gallery. Happy Holidays!!

Cindy Treger
Gina, congrats on being the 'UP CLOSE & PERSONAL' feature in A Woman's Touch. Gorgeous shot. f/l

Hanne Lore Koehler
Spectacular poinsettia capture, Gina! Congratulations on your A WOMAN'S TOUCH Up Clos And Personal special feature! L/F