Sunflower Sunset

by Gina Fitzhugh
Sunflower Sunset
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
I visited a sunflower field near Springfield, TN. I stayed until dusk hoping for a nice sunset. I thought this one was interesting. It looks as if there are two suns setting, as the sun is split by the tree line.
Honored With the Following Group Features:
A Straight Horizon
Fine Art America Flowers Photography
Fine Art America Professionals
Everything Sunset
Go Take A Hike Photography Group
Serenity Inspiring
ART - It is Good For You
Greatest of All Time
Ten Plus
Best of Botanicals
USA Photographers
Art for Passion - Passion for Art
The Meandering Photographer
Created by Southern Artists
Your Story of Art
Intent of the Artist
Fine Art Exploration Photography
Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery
Canon Full Frame
Lady Photographers and Artists
August 27th, 2023
Comments (11)

Diamante Lavendar
Congratulations! Your wonderful work has been chosen as a special feature in Praising God group! Please feel free to add your work to the feature archive under the discussion tab!

Larry Kniskern
Congratulations, Gina – your “sunshine on my shoulders” scene has been featured by the Go Take a Hike Photography Group! Feel free to add it to the 2024 Featured Images thread in the group discussion board for archive.

Samuel HUYNH
Exciting news – Your fantastic artwork has been featured in "GREATEST OF ALL TIME" group! 🌈🎨 Feel free to spread the joy by adding it to our "2024 Featured Masterpieces Archive" in the Discussion section.

Johanna Hurmerinta
Your work deserves to be featured in our group "The Meandering Photographer" Please consider adding this work to 'Featured work in May - June 2024' active discussion thread. (l/f on 5-17-2024).

Randy Rosenberger
This piece of fine artwork has earned the honor of being chosen to show off to other artists and prospective buyers here in the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group. It is an honor to share this piece of well composed and beautiful art on our Featured section of our homepage. Thanks much for sharing! Liked and Faved Randy B. Rosenberger (administrator of the WFS group)