Waiting In Line
by Gina Fitzhugh
Waiting In Line
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
Who knew butterflies will wait their turn? At least that's what is looks like here.
Photo taken in Franklin, TN
Contest Wins:
Insects In Flight - First Place
Honored with the following group features:
Ten Plus
Fine Art America Professionals
Fine Art Exploration
Fine Art America Flowers
Amazing Butterflies
Your Story of Art
A Gorgeous Green in Nature
Greatest of All Time
Four Seasons
Intent of the Artist
Showcasing the South
1000 Views on One Image
The Art Workshop
August 9th, 2021
Comments (15)
Gary F Richards
Spectacular Waiting in Line composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! Congratulations on being the Featured Artist of the Week! F/L
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/tw
Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your winning 1st Place in the contest… INSECTS IN FLIGHT FLYING! F/L
Morris Finkelstein
Fabulous photograph, Gina! Congratulations on your First Place in the Insects In Flight contest! F/L
Dawn Steiger
Gina, congrations on your win in the INSECTS IN FLIGHT FLYING contest, sponsored by the Wonder of Wings group. This is a wonderful photo!
Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Gina, on your 1st Place Win in the Insects in Flight Contest for this wonderful photograph! L/F
Brian Baker
Lovely capture! Congratulations on your win in the Insects In Flight Flying contest! l/f
Siene Browne
CONGRATULATIONS! You are the First Place Winner of the WONDER of WINGS 'INSECTS IN FLIGHT FLYING' Contest.