Poised For Takeoff

by Gina Fitzhugh
Poised For Takeoff
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
This Blue Dasher dragonfly is poised for takeoff. If you've ever watched a dragonfly, they don't stay in one place more than a second, it seems. Dragonflies have special meaning to many people. 'The Dragonfly Story' by Kelly Owen, was written to explain death to little children. It is also used as a symbol by many organizations that deal with death, especially the death of a child. For others, the blue dragonfly is a calming presence and a symbol of loyalty, trust, faith and letting go.
Honored with the following features:
Fine Art America Professionals
Six of More Legs
June 13th, 2022
Comments (10)

Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your Top Finisher in the contest… BUTTERFLIES DRAGONFLIES AND BEES! F/L

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Poised for Takeoff composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted

Diamante Lavendar
Congratulations! Your beautiful work has been selected for special recognition in Praising God Group’s Administrator’s Picks under the Discussion tab! Please feel free to post thank you’s under the home page features thank you thread!

Beryl Jasper
Congrats!! Your beautiful artwork has been featured in IF THE IMAGE EXCITES YOU group. You may promote your work in “Thank you and Promote” discussion thread of the group.