Summer Tanager

by Gina Fitzhugh
Summer Tanager
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
Beautiful Summer Tanager perched in the center of a dogwood tree. Photograph taken in Franklin, Tennessee.
Honored with the following group features:
Go Take a Hike Photography
Wonder of Wings
Your Story of Art
Real Beautiful Birds
The Art Workshop
Greatest of All Time
Fine Art America Professionals
Intent of the Artist
Fine Art Exploration
Showcasing the South
Camera Art Group
A Birding Group
Your Very Best Photography
Hodge Podge
ART - It is Good For You
If the Image Excites
All About Birds
USA Photographers
One A Day Waiting Room Art
A Gorgeous Green
The Photography Group
Ten Plus
A Woman's Touch
The Meandering Photographer
Macro Marvels
June 9th, 2023
Comments (14)

Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "A Birding Group - Wings" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020-2024 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!!

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the feature archive discussion. There are many other discussions in the group where you can promote your art even further more.

Larry Kniskern
Gina – I wanted to let you know that your stunning image was a top-twenty candidate for selection as the July 2023 "Photo of the Month" in the Go Take a Hike Photography Group. Even though not advancing as a finalist, this image is most worthy of recognition as a superb photographic effort, so congratulations and well done! Please feel free to add this gem to the “Candidates for Photo of the Month” discussion thread in the group.

John Hughes
Congratulations, your wonderful image has been featured on the Homepage of The Photography Only Group, please feel free to add it as a permanent record to the Discussion Thread for Featured Images.

Steve Rich
Beautifully captured Gina, well done. Your wonderful image has been FEATURED on the homepage of "The Meandering Photographer”. Please consider adding your photo to the "Feature History, The Meandering Photographer (June-July 2023)" active discussion thread. 7-14-2023