True Beauty

by Gina Fitzhugh
True Beauty
Gina Fitzhugh
Photograph - Photograph
Another photo of the Tuscan Sun Rose with one small rain droplet.
Photo taken in Franklin, TN
Your Favorite Rose - 1st Place
Roses - 1st Place
Beautiful Roses - 2nd Place
Honored with the following features:
Showcasing the South
A Woman's Touch
One A Day Waiting Room Art
If The Image Excites You
USA Photographers
Global Flowers
Your Best Work
Your Very Best Photography
Beautiful Flowers
Flower Power
Your Story of Art
Art - It is Good For You
Intent of the Artist
Greatest of All Time
Beautiful Roses
All The Roses
Art For Passion - Passion For Art
The 200 Club
Visions of Spring Glances of Summer
Bedroom Art Gallery
Praising God
Fine Art America Professionals
Your Beautiful Flowers
Fine Art Exploration Photography
The Meandering Photographer
Canon Full Frame
Best of Botanical
Fine Art America Flowers Photography
Macro Marvels
Serenity Inspiring Art
Ten Plus
April 29th, 2021
Comments (56)

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 Views on One Image Group's Special Features Nominations For Promotion #27 . Please help your fellow artists by visiting and passing on the love to another artist in the the 1000 Views on One Image Group....L/F/Tw

Diana Mary Sharpton
Splendid Sun rose capture! Nominating for special feature on the 1000 view group...fav/t

Femina Photo Art By Maggie
CONGRATULATIONS! Your exceptional work has been featured on this week's Color home page. I invite you to add it to our discussion thread. l/f

Steve Rich
Your work deserves to be showcased on the homepage of "The Meandering Photographer!" Please consider adding this work to the "Feature History, The Meandering Photographer (Aug-Sept 2023)" active discussion thread. (l/f on 9-29-2023)

Gary F Richards
Outstanding True Beauty Rose composition, lighting, shading, lovely color and artwork! F/L voted

Laurel Adams

Bernadette Krupa
Congratulations, 1st Place Win - A Woman's Touch - Your Favorite Rose - Everyone Welcome - Color Only - 6/5/2023!! F/L/F

Bernadette Krupa
Congratulations, 1st Place Win - A Woman's Touch - Your Favorite Rose - Everyone Welcome - Color Only - 6/5/2023!! F/L/F

Brooks Garten Hauschild
Congratulations on your 1st place win in 'Your Favorite Rose', Gina! A true beauty! My pleasure to host the contest. Please sharing your winning image in our A Woman's Touch 'Contest Winners' thread. Fvl.

Laura's Creations
Congratulations on your win in the YOUR FAVOURITE ROSE contest with this beautiful capture LF

June Pauline Zent
IT certainly is a TRUE BEAUTY Gina! Congratulations on your win in YOUR FAVORITE ROSE CONTEST. The edges of the flower are so crisp and clean that it seems to fall off the page. Excellent!

Ro Wade
Absolutely beautiful capture! Voted for in YOUR FAVORITE ROSE - EVERYONE WELCOME - COLOR ONLY contest. Good luck! L/F :-)

Gary F Richards
Outstanding True Beauty composition, lighting, shading, excellent color and artwork! F/L voted